In the following I will present you the most effective ways to develop self discipline & improve your willpower; most points are even backed by scientific research and you learnt that How to develop self discipline.
Increase your capacity to tolerate stress
It is necessary to be able to deal with pressure if we aim to improve our willpower or to develop self discipline. High levels of pressure and stress use up our body’s energy, leading to instinct driven decision-making that is based on short-term gratification. Therefore, the very first step to develop self discipline starts with building the proper foundation—our ability to manage stress.
Scientists believe that there are two major things you can do in order to increase your brain’s willpower reserve: physical activity and meditation.
Meditation is linked to a wide range of benefits that all have a strong impact upon your willpower. It strengthens your ability to focus and concentrate, increases your attention and self-awareness, allows you to better control your impulses and helps you in managing stress. It was also shown in scientific research that meditation can
affect beneficial changes in brain functions supporting to develop self discipline.
Plus, it doesn’t take years of dedicated meditation to affect these positive brain changes. In fact, the above-mentioned study found that brain changes could be observed after eight weeks of daily practice.
If you can only spend half an hour a day, then meditation is the most effective thing you can do in order to increase willpower in an extremely short period of time.
Train self-discipline by postponing things
Postponing things for later is an effective strategy that allows you to break bad habits. Scientists observed that the participants that applied the postponement strategy “ate significantly less than those in the self-denial condition.” The authors concluded:
The result suggests that telling yourself I can have this later operates in the mind a bit like having it now. It satisfies the craving to some degree—and can be even more effective at suppressing the appetite than actually eating the treat.
Avoid challenging your willpower
Being constantly confronted with temptations depletes your willpower sooner or later. And as soon as that happens you will give in to the temptation.
Remember, a person’s willpower is not infinite. Whenever you are confronted with a challenging temptation it will cost you a certain amount of willpower to say “no” to it.
The best way to avoid this constant challenge is to remove all temptations and distractions from your life, abiding the old saying, “out of sight, out of mind.”
This sounds unspectacular, but it was proven in scientific studies to be extremely effective. In fact, so effective that it helped U. S. soldiers to break free from heroin addiction.
The study showed how intensively our environments affect our behavior. Luckily, even the smallest changes in your environment can help to break negative habits. These changes alter the stimuli that are driving your behavior, allowing your conscious mind to regain control and help to develop self discipline.
5. Have “If-then” plans
If someone were to ask you to help them steal a car (or do anything of a similar nature) you’d probably have no problem to say “no.” Most wouldn’t even consider doing it. There’s no willpower or self-discipline necessary to do that. The reason why it is so easy for us to decline these kinds of invitations lies in the fact that we have already a script in our heads that only needs to be activated. In this case, it’s the “I would never ever do such a thing”-script.
We can make use of this ability in order to develop self discipline. Having so-called “If-then” plans helps you to script a standard response to situations that challenge your self-control.
6. Boost or develop self discipline by means of exercise and nutrition
The impact of exercise and nutrition is largely ignored when it comes to strengthening your willpower. By means of regular physical exercise you can increase your resistance to stress, allowing you to improve your self-control. It doesn’t matter if it is just mindful exercise, such as yoga or taking a walk, or even intense physical training. All these activities will provide you the benefit of helping you to become more resilient to pressure.
Developing the appropriate rewarding strategy will advice you attract, posses and motivate the right people for your organization. And if you are a local business or a global variety, we can help you test what your people need with what you want to attain, as well as what you can manage.
Are Indian Organizations failing to keep employees happy?
An industry survey conducted recently has found that one in four employees in India is likely to switch jobs this year, making it a country with the maximum rate of attenuation in the world.
For blooming market looking to boost efficiency and quality, this comes as a rattling part of news that has enforced employers across the board to study the reasons for this disturbing trend.
The survey study conducted by international human resource and management consultancy main feed group in union with the Center for economics and Business Research (CEBR), found that India is probable to lead the region in income rates at 26.9 per cent (in the organized sector) in 2013 – the maximum attrition rate internationally; this form is predictable to go up additional in 2014 to 27.5 per cent.
It is a no brainer that in order to maintain employees, organizations must give a severe thought to what is driving employee disenchantment and what would drive employee commitment.
Challenge of employee engagement
Indian industry has, over the past decade, seen some volatile enlargement. This growth has given rise to new challenges in maintaining and handling talent. Today’s managers are dealing with a dynamic and ambitious new generation. The gap between the older recognized work-force and the ambitious upcoming is widening.
The open financial system and technological revolution have encouraged the formation of more active organizations with new management styles and with a new type of employees – younger, highly qualified and ambitious. This sometimes sits a little uneasily with the conventional businesses and career structures. This occurrence is further complicated by the information that India is naturally a hierarchical society.
Focus on rewards
Nowadays, companies not only attract talent but also manage to motivate and retain them. This has shifted the focus on human resources and rewarding strategy and recognition (R & R) management. As more and more organizations appreciate that it is critical to focus on developing, appealing and retaining employees, the previous hasty reactions are giving way to a more planned and sustainable approach to R & R.
There is a clear difference between how R & R is handled in the new economy companies. Companies in the new rising sectors like IT//Retail have been early adaptors to a more planned approach to R & R. While the companies in the more conventional sectors like manufacturing, public sector etc are yet to adjust themselves to a work flow ambitious structured development.
However, the best of companies today are flouting free from India’s employment and plunder legacy. They recognize that pushing up salaries is no longer a sustainable long-term achievement. The need of the hour is a more planned, creative solution.
Key differentiator
The R & R method can truly be a key differentiator for a company. An imaginative, well planned sophisticated R & R programme can guarantee that the employees are offered an option from a menu of reward to attract and maintain interest. And these awards are familiar on a social platform through a rewarding strategy that brings in transparency and confidence in an entire system.
The good news all across – the new and the old economy companies, is that the need for a good R & R development is no longer debated. What is being debated and discussed more today are questions related to ‘how’ and ‘when’.
Numerous employers are now focusing on raising the happiness quotient of organizations and have services that are planned to ensure employee happiness.
The R & R method in India is still in its promising stage but is on growth path, with more companies fast realizing the need to implement a structured R & R programme for their employees.
Keeping employees happy is vital. The next decade of economic growth is certain to see the rise of a new more planned rewards and acknowledgment policy.
Developing a rewarding strategy that works at a cost that is affordable to you.
Reward is one of the biggest expenses you have. So it’s crucial to get it right. And this means more than just searching out what the market is paying. Sometime, your business strategy and work experience are different to your organization and you know what you’re trying to attain. So you want a rewarding strategy that follow and gets you results.
Seize the moment mean in simple words to live in a present, not think about your future or a past. Not only does planning help you develop the necessary skills and leadership, it also increases your chances of getting promotion, as people already recognize you as a leader. This key is to take on opportunities now, regardless of your tenure or role.
A few days ago, I had a chance meeting with one of my school friends, Smitha Sharma. Much elated to see each other, giggling like school girls we rushed to the nearest CCD. Meeting after 10 years, we had a lot of catching up to do. During the course of our conversation, Smitha told me that after her seven years of stint with one of the leading firms she was elevated to the post of managing director. She had reached this executive position by continuously challenging status quo- and by making the most of each of her previous roles. “I’ve never been concerned with my title. When I thought an assignment was a stretch, I took it,” she explained.
“When I applied for my previous position, the job carried the title ‘project manager’. But after my first conversation with the manager, I knew it was a position that would require a complex leadership skills and challenge me, so I accepted the job.”
That set me thinking, what set Smitha apart from others? I realized that in each role, Smitha embraced additional responsibilities without being asked. “ I make an effort to volunteer and raise my hand where I see a need.
I started talking on the responsibility of managing director with the hope that if I performed well, the title would come.” And her bosses have always respected this approach. “I rarely walk into my manager’s office and say I want to talk about my career or my next promotion. I walk in and say here’s a problem and here is how we might address it,” She said.
So instead of cribbing for the fancy title in your next appraisal or waiting for the corner office, you can begin to act, think, and communicate like a leader long before that promotion. Even if you’re still several levels down and someone else is calling all the shots, there are numerous ways to demonstrate your potential and pave the way to the role secretly desire.
It’s never foolish to begin preparing for a transition for a transition no matter how many years away it is or where you are in your career. Not only does the planning help you develop the necessary skills and leadership presence, it also increases your chances of getting the promotion because people will already recognize you as a leader.
The key is to take on opportunities now is to seize the moment, regardless of your tenure or role. Here are several ways to start laying the ground work.
Deliver result
No matter how big your ambitions don’t let them distract you from excelling in your current role. Focus on the present as much as – or more than – the future. You still have to deliver results in your day job. You always need to take care of today’s business so that nobody- peers, direct reports, or those above you- questions your performance. That’s the first step to getting ahead.
Gravitate Towards ‘YES’
You have to execute on your boss’ priorities too. Show him that you’re willing to pick up the baton on important projects “lean more towards yes than no “ whenever your boss asks you to help with something new. Find out what gives your manager sleepless nights and propose solutions to those problems.
Make sure your “let me take that on” attitude extends beyond your relationship with your boss. Raise your hand for new initiatives, especially ones that might be visible to those outside your unit.
This will give others a taste of what you’ll be like in a more senior role.
It doesn’t have to be an intense, months long project. It might be something as simple as facilitating a meeting, offering to help with recruiting events, or stepping in to negotiate a conflict between peers. You might find opportunities outside of work, too.
You can sit on the board of a local nonprofit or organize your community’s volunteer day. These activities send the signal that you aspire to leadership potential.
Another way to prove your potential is to take on projects in the white space.
These are problems that others aren’t willing to tackle or don’t even know exist. Every organization has needs that nobody is paying attention to, or people are actively ignoring. For example, you might be able to identify a customer need that isn’t being met by your company’s current product line, and propose a new one.
Or you could do a quick analysis of how much a specific change would save the company. When you take on a task that no one else is willing to do, you make yourself stand out.
Seize the Moment Every time and live life smoothly…
There’s a fine line between being ambitious and acting like you’re too big for your britches. It’s appropriate to raise your ambitions with your manager if you have a trusting, solid relationship, but frame them in a way that focuses on what’s best for the company. Lay out your accomplishments for the past year and then ask something like, “As we look further out, where do you see me continuing to make a contribution?” However, if you have the kind of boss who may feel threatened by your aspirations, it’s better to keep your ambitions quiet and prove your potential.
Look for the people who have the roles you want and study what they do – how they act, communicate, and dress. Pick someone at the next level, someone similar to you, and find a way to work with them. Volunteer for a committee they’re spearheading or offer to help with one of their pet projects and seize the moment. Identify behaviors that you can emulate while being true to yourself. Don’t fake it. Seize the moment to live a perfect life. Try to study people who are stuck in their careers as examples of what not to do, are they clumsy? Do they disrespect the lines of authority? Do they fail to seamlessly integrate departments?
Cliched, it may sound, but it is true. “It is not who you know. It’s who knows you.” When you’re evaluated for the promotion, it’s unlikely your boss will sit in a room alone and contemplate your potential.
He’ll rely on others to assess your ability, which means you need supporters across the organization- people who are aware of the work you’re doing. If you find yourself walking down the hall with the most senior person at your company, be prepared to answer the question, ‘So what are you up to? Don’t take lightly any interactions that may seem informal. Treat every situation as an opportunity to demonstrate the value you bring to the organisation and your knowledge of the business.
So do not wait for till your next appraisal, seize the moment, before it melts away like a snowflake….
Step up the way and the title and the appraisal will follow you now.
Lack of enthusiasm and motivation lacking are two of the main reasons for failure and of living a mediocre life. English speaking course in Chandigarh searches the reason for a motivation lacking & negative outlook and provide solution for that type of lacking.
The reason for Motivation lacking are discuss here :
1. Inability to focus on the bigger picture
In many cases we get so distracted by a daunting task that we start to lose focus of the long-term benefits, motivation lacking and rewards of accomplishing it. Instead, we focus all our attention on the great effort it will take to address the task. We no longer have the bigger picture in mind, but only see the burden of a specific task.
Solution: Redirect your focus on the benefits and rewards.
Avoid focusing all your attention on the great difficulties of a given task, but instead try to make yourself clear what the higher purpose of the task is. You might not like doing a specific task, but if you know that it contributes significantly towards your mission, you’ll be more motivated to address it. There will be many daunting and challenging tasks you have to overcome, but if you are convinced that you are addressing these tasks for a good reason you will be able to find the right motivation to tackle even unpleasant responsibilities.
2. Negative outlook on the chances of success
A characteristic many unmotivated individuals have in common is their troubled outlook on their chances of success. Such a troubled outlook can lead into a vicious circle. If you’re not trusting about your chances of succeeding in a given task you might not even be motivated enough to address it properly. But if you do not address the task you have already failed. Scientists call this self-effectiveness—a person’s willingness and ability to persist and succeed with a given task. Your level of self-effectiveness determines to a great extent whether or not you stick to a challenging task until it’s solved, or if you simply give up.
Solution: Push your luck – belief in yourself and increase your chances of success
You must never forget that you alone can influence your chances of success at whatever you’re doing. If you’re willing to do anything you can to accomplish a specific goal, your likelihood to succeed increases drastically. However, if you’re unwilling to go the extra mile you will most likely decrease your chances to succeed. And if you choose to not even try, then failure is guaranteed.
According to Albert Bandura, scientist at the Stanford University, there are two ways to increase self-efficacy:
Mastery experiences: Tackling a task, sticking to it and succeeding at it will help you to strengthen your sense of efficacy. The more determined you are to succeed at a given task, the more likely you will succeed, which in turn will further increase your effectiveness. However, this also means that failure will undermine your self-efficacy, which is why it is so important to stick to a task until you succeed.
Social modeling: Seeing people similar to yourself succeed at a given task will raise your belief that you too have the capability to master similar challenges. For this very reason that is so important to find appropriate role models that inspire you to give your very best.
You see that the more you challenge yourself the more willpower and motivation you will cultivate.
3. No goal setting
If you have a true vision that you want to see implemented there will be absolutely nothing that can stop you from pursuing it. There will be no obstacle too big to overcome and no difficulty too challenging to not address it. However, if you have no goals in life and no vision for the future it is far more difficult to motivate you day after day. A motivation lacking is often the consequence of neglecting the importance of goals.
Solution: set yourself ambitious and challenging goals
Setting yourself a challenging goal will help you to sustain enthusiasm and generates higher levels of performance. In fact, scientists have shown that our level of performance is directly linked to the challenge of a given goal. However, aims and objectives that can be achieved too easily are likely to decrease your motivation and energy level.
4. Inability to start
When it comes to overcoming a motivation lacking it is important to ignore everything that prohibits you from starting a task. People that are struggling with motivation are more likely to become discouraged by various reasons why they should not get up and do something. The inability to start performing a task is one of the greatest mental obstacles unmotivated people, english speaking cours need to overcome.
Solution: Force yourself to start addressing your responsibilities
Whenever you’re confronted with a the reason for a lack of motivation it’s advisable to force yourself to start doing what you need to do. The very first towards the accomplishment of a given goal is often the most difficult one. But once you have started it will be easier to continue.
Another important trick you can apply revolves around the continuous creation of small habits. It’s a simple, yet effective concept that helps you to address a lack of motivation. Basically, what you need to do is to start creating one small habit at a time. After time you will gradually progress with the creation of further habits.
5. Social exclusion
The way you perceive the importance of the role you play in life can heavily affect your motivation. Researchers at the State University have shown that the feeling of being rejected can make us lose all our desire to even try. They argue that being rejected by someone makes it seem as though nobody else would care if we regulate our behavior or not. The feeling of being unwanted and/or having no purpose depletes our willpower and motivation. You will be more likely to engage in destructive behaviors and be less motivated to work.
Solution: Have a purpose in life and don’t place too much emphasis on other people’s rejection or ill-intended judgment.
Others should not be responsible to give your life a meeting. Instead, find the true purpose of your life. It will help you to become aware of the important role you play in life.
How to Win Your Motivation Back?
The easiest strategy to recharge your motivation is to find tasks and activities that you really want to do. Pursuing tasks that contribute significantly towards the accomplishment of your goals will dramatically improve your motivation levels.
The problem is that whenever you’re depleted of energy and the necessary willpower to address a responsibility, you’re more likely to opt for something effortless, such as watching TV or surfing the Internet.
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