IELTS Modules
IELTS Listening Module
The IELTS Listening module consists of four sections. In every part you will hear a recording of a speech or debate. Every recording lasts around five minutes.
While listening, you have to answer ten questions, which can be multiple choice, short answer, or filling in the gaps in a sentence, diagram, or data table. There is increased time at the end of the test to write your finishing answers on the answer sheet.
The Listening module is the same in both the academic and general training versions of IELTS. The Listening component lasts around 35 minutes and is the first section of the test.
IELTS Listening is a paper-based test of 40 questions that takes around 40 minutes to complete. Candidates hear four passages in total and answer ten questions about each.
The Listening test is the equivalent in both the General Training and Academic components of IELTS. Speakers may use a range of accents and varieties of English.
While listening, candidates must read and answer a variety of question types. There are short interludes before and during each passage to allow candidates to read the questions in advance. Inquiry of the questions therefore forms a considerable section of any IELTS Listening procedure.
After all four passages have been played, candidates have a further 10 minutes to transfer their answers to an answer sheet. At this period, poor spelling can actively alter a candidate’s grade.
These are some IELTS Listening Module Tips :
Analyse the questions together
This is a controversial point, but I always like to give my students much more time to read the questions than they will receive in the real IELTS Listening test. Beginning , I confess them to read through all ten questions at their opportunity. I don’t want them disturbed while we’re discussing a particular question. The we analyse each question for information type, troubleshooting, and grammatical clues. Later on students can be pushed to perform similar analysis under much more time pressure.
Find ‘anchor’ words in the questions
My first IELTS Listening Module is all about good arrangement . separate the questions before you listen and pay appropriate deliberation to anchor words. These are generally nouns and often names of people or places. Not only do anchor words help you to conclude the content of the portion, they also help you handle through the test. Names of people and places will definitely be mentioned by the speaker so you can listen for them and avoid getting lost. Other words may be explained by the speaker, so you cannot depend on them perfectly so much.
Identify grammatical clues
This is something you can do before and while listening. Particularly in sentence completion tasks, pay careful attention to the grammatical form of the sentence. You may have to change the speaker’s words in order to fit the question.
Practice targeted listening
This is equable the most essential skill of all in IELTS Listening. Present listening is what you do when you listen for certain information, rather than to what someone is saying. My favourite example is in a train station. When you hear all those public announcements, do you listen to each one carefully? No, you possibly listen only for the name of your target . When a friend is telling you a story, you practice open listening to understand what it is all about. In IELTS Listening, read the questions first to determine what it is all about, and then use intend listening to buckle those ten essential section of information.
Skip the question if you don’t listen the answer
One of the immense exposure in IELTS Listening, or any listening test, is distraction. The thing most likely to disturb us is a challenging question. What did he say? It’s too late – target on the next question instead as that will likely be easier. Remember, in IELTS Listening you only essential 30 appropriate answers out of 40 to get Band 7, which is a great score. So don’t miss different questions, just because you didn’t listen the answer to one. Of course, you can still guess the answer, but that can be done after the Listening section ends.
Check grammar and spelling
My final IELTS Listening tip is also the easiest to forget. That’s because the listening access have completed , you’re irritated, and you just need it to be over. However, please check again that your answers are spelled correctly, fit grammatically, and do not exceed the word limit. An IELTS investigator can forget very insignificant errors of grammar or spelling, but you absolutely don’t want to take that chance.
Self-correct for spelling and grammar
Students should be inclined few time after the recording to analyse their answers for spelling and grammar. Confess acceptable time for this phase and turn around the classroom, calling out question numbers where you can see that students have made mistakes. Give them the satisfaction of correcting their own mistakes before you do it for them.
Model good listening
Don’t just tell your students the correct answers. Turn them through the recording one more time, pausing at the demanding point to define how each answer is given. The discrepancy between a ordinary IELTS teacher and an outstanding one is that the best teachers are active and alert during listening passages for signs that reveal where their students are struggling.
English Pro. is the best training institute known for IELTS coaching in Chandigarh, Mohali, Panchkula and Punjab Region. We focus on the usage of practical language and encourage our students to improve their Spoken English, Reading, skills, listening skills And Writing skills.
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